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Chrome download them all extension![]() Or better yet, apply for a leadership position in the Google Chrome team; Firefox can use some help from you eventually ending up inadvertently sabotaging Chrome sooner than later. What's even more discouraging is that mozilla will be using their "signing required" Walled Garden they installed because "reasons, not of them actually sane or good" that they swore they will not use to fuck with chrome download them all extension - just to do exactly that, and fuck with add-ons, stopping to sign new non-WE add-ons with the Firefox 53 chrome download them all extension. THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Neither is this going to happen chrome download them all extension soon realistically, nor is that any reason not to give add-on developers access to whatever replaces it. Sure, and tons of add-ons should and will go the WebExtensions route. Doesn't mean you have to fuck over the add-ons not fitting in the WebExtensions space. There are tons of dedicated add-on developers who have chrome download them all extension dealing with breaking changes in Firefox since it first got add-ons, for better or for worse. And that's just DownThemAll! At least the Adblockers will survive I guess Dismantling the add-on system just because mozilla doesn't like the maintenance burden all of a sudden? Does the Walled Garden help make Firefox more secure? Is it abused to force unrelated policy changes instead? And even stupid stunts like force chrome download them all extension crapware pocket isn't too goddamn stupid to do these days. I've been part of the mozilla universe for almost one and a half decades or almost 15 years in "metric" now. I've seen tons of fuckups in that time, and produced a few myself; but that was OK because none of those were deliberate and we always worked together on fixing things. Not ever before did I think mozilla is hopelessly fucked at a fundamental level. But the last one or maybe chrome download them all extension years changed that. I have to admit that I failed to see this for a quite some time, deluding myself into thinking "it's not that bad", "they'll will do it", "temporary setback", "they will recover", "I can learn to live with that" Tried to rationalize all this away I'm fed up as an add-on developer, I'm fed up as a mozilla advocate, I'm fed up as somebody who used to help the other add-on devs, I'm fed up as somebody who contributed an enormous amount of volunteer time directly in many different ways, I'm fed up as a Firefox user. If anybody feels the inexplicable urge to reply and wants me to know about it or even respond, make sure to CC me. And I am not opposed to WebExtensions, quite the opposite. But I am opposed to WebExtensions-only! Well again, DTA is probably large enough to beg and get special treatment, but I don't actually want better treatment than others. The whole story is basically that mozilla folks are fucking up the add-on space. The whole story is that DownThemAll! The whole story is that WebExtensions APIs explicitly are supposed to be high level APIs, while tons of add-ons actually want, nay need low level APIs to implement their functionality. So here is what I wrote and then sent to mig and a few other people with similar questions and also a bunch of mozilla mailing lists. We work everyday to provide you the best Download Manager for FF. Quite honestly, I'm over the frustrated stage and arrived at the furious anger stage. And I grow only more hopeless about mozilla as time progresses. WebExtensions are far off from feature parity, let alone bug parity for even the Chrome extension APIs, yet announce EOL for new add-ons in 53 and EOL for all add-ons in 57 [0 again]? What the fuck are they thinking? Whoever was involved in that decision with actual say: Please do us all a favor and just step chrome download them all extension from any leadership position you might have. What does the press write about us? Read it by yourself Did you like it? Well, then please consider making a donation. DownThemAll or just dTa is a powerful yet easy-to-use Mozilla Firefox extension that adds new advanced download capabilities to your browser. DownThemAll lets you download all the links or images contained in a webpage and much chrome download them all extension DownThemAll is all you can desire from a download manager: If you cannot stomach the use of the f-word, do NOT read on. The whole story is that I just finally grew chrome download them all extension of the steaming pile of utter rotten horse manure that is chrome download them all extension mozilla decision making process. I'll evaluate the list of forks that do exist or will exist once mozilla pulls the WebExtension switch for real, and see if any of them will be an alternative chrome download them all extension the then deliberately-made-retarded mozilla browser. It is my opinion that it's not me who's leaving a 1. I'll keep maintaining most of my add-ons for the time being, albeit with far less enthusiasm, in case mozilla wakes up or some viable fork comes along, tho. I have no hopes that chrome download them all extension will implement proper APIs, not even for file writing[0 again]. Other than file writing, there are no proper APIs to do requests, there are no proper APIs for other stuff such as executing files, other kinds of OS integration, UI integration and so on and etc and pp. To support further development of chrome download them all extension, we also need your help. Why just one, when you can DownThemAll? The response Hi mig[-1], and everybody who also asked and I BCCed, and whomever it may or should concern too, First: If I CC'ed you and you're now thinking: Who are you even? I develop one of the most popular Firefox add-ons open source without profit motivationand am a decade long mozilla enthusiast, advocate and volunteer contributor. Most of the time, we managed in a timely fashion. Even those add-ons which can be reasonably ported need to be ported in the first place. Somebody will have to do the actual work, which is on entirely different scale than a "few" "let's move this shit into a framescript so it works with e10s" fixes. Frankly, it's add-ons which contributed a lot to Firefox' success, and it's add-on which eased Firefox bleeding users to Chrome, and once chrome download them all extension add-ons that go beyond WebExtensions stuff are gone, the bleeding will only increase again. ![]() |
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